Table Reservation/Pöytävaraus
The best way to enjoy a night at our café is to book a table ahead of time. From the buttons below, you can reserve your gaming space. If you are looking for a specific table put the wish into message box when you reserve.

If it seems as if we are full, please call us!
+358 50 566 2613

Reserving a table doesn't cost anything, but if you are playing
the gaming fee is 11 euros per person and when you buy at least 4.90e, the gaming fee drops to 6 euros per person.
If you do not arrive within half an hour please call us or the booking will be released.

Our opening hours are:
Monday -Thursday 16:00 - 24:00
Friday 16:00 - 02:00
Saturday 14:00 - 02:00
Sunday closed

Paras tapa nauttia illasta kahvilassamme on varata pöytä etukäteen. Alla olevista painikkeista voit varata oman peliaikasi.
Jos teillä on pöytätoiveita, ne voi lisätä varauksen yhteydessä lisätietoja kenttään. Täytetään toiveita mahdollisuuksien mukaan.

Jos näyttää siltä, että olemme täynnä, soita:
+358 50 566 2613

Pöydän varaaminen ei maksa mitään,mutta jos pelaat on
pelimaksu 11 euroa per hlö ja ostaessasi samalla vähintään
4.90e arvosta, putoaa pelimaksu 6 euroon per henkilö.
Jos et saavu puolen tunnin sisällä, soita meille. Muussa tapauksessa varaus vapautetaan.

Aukioloaikamme ovat:
Maanantai-torstai klo 16.00-24.00
perjantaina klo 16.00-02.00
Lauantaina 14.00-02.00
Sunnuntai suljettu

Café Boardgame pidättää oikeuden pöytävarausten muutoksiin.
Café Boardgame reserves the right to change table reservations.

Jos teitä tulee 20 tai yli huomioikaa, että isoille ryhmille on myyntitakuu
If there are 20 or more of you, please note that there is a sales guarantee.

Artesan Pizza,Salads and Soups are served mon-sat

If you are looking for a private party (secret 3rd floor) with karaoke and DJ,or agatha christie style murder mystery evenings email to for more details..

How it works
How to find us
When you come to Eerikinkatu, you will find us after the tunnel. Once you arrive you will be met by staff at the front desk, who will direct you to the cashier where you pay the entrance/gaming fee. You cannot go directly to the tables as we have a table reservation system which shows us your table location. Even if your group has already arrived, you pay the entrance fee first and then be directed to your friend. This is to keep our logistics running and to know where each group is playing.

Our cafe can only be reached by stairs and there is no ramp.
The interior has narrow corridors. The toilet facilities have not been taken into account for people with reduced mobility.

Ordering process
When you come at the counter our staff will explain how the system works. First you pay the gaming fee, if you're planning to play. If you have any questions regarding our menu, just ask!

Eating your own food and drinks is prohibited!
We hope you will use our extensive food and drink menu. We will update the list according to wishes.
Anything else
Our staff will assist you with any questions you have. If you need help choosing a game to play or a drink to drink, our staff will gladly ask you some questions and curate a gaming experience just for you. If we have time, we can even give a short tutorial on the game or even play with your party if there's a player missing. Our establishment is a safe and fun place for everyone.

Our operations are based on trust. We assume that you treat our board games well when you play them. We hope you will return the game to its proper place. We take it for granted that you will not break or steal games or their parts.

Our cafe is allergy-free, so pets are not allowed indoors. (Guide dogs allowed).

noppamokka is here!

Hyvät asiakkaat!
Olemme kehittäneet yhdessä pienpaahtimo Charlotan kanssa maistuvan ja lempeän kahvisekoituksen!
NoppaMokkaa saa myös ostaa kotiin vaikka lahjaksi. Yhdessä NoppaMokan kanssa maistuu ihanat leivonnaiset. Nyt saatavana myös tummapaahto.

Dear customers!
Together with the small roastery Charlotta, we have developed a tasty and gentle coffee blend! NoppaMokka can also be bought at home, even as a gift. Together with NoppaMokka, you can taste our wonderful pastries. Dark roast now available.


Hyvät asiakkaat!

Meidän oma oluemme on täällä! Tule maistelemaan.

Dear customers!

Our own beer is here! Come and taste.


Promopelejä pelautetaan sekä myydään Caféessa, lisätietoja ja osallistumiset discordissa.
Yhteistyössä Fantasiapelit sekä

Promo games are played and sold in Café, more information and participation in discord. In cooperation with Fantasiapelit and

Mukana yhteistyössä illallispelien osalta: kauppiaskauppinen
Involved in cooperation regarding dinner games

Miniatyyrien maalauskursseissa mukana:
Sponsors in miniature painting courses:
Need a snack or a drink?
O U R . M E N U
Most of our menu is made from scratch, with love in our very own kitchen

The thing we are crazy about
Join our Discord to find new gamers
Contact us
+358 50 566 2613
Eerikinkatu 14
00100 Helsinki
Games and happenings
Join our games and happenings thru discord :)
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